
Posted on March 12, 2023   • 619 words • 55% AI Content

A meta-prompt is a type of input that not only provides instructions on what you want the AI to generate but also how you want it to generate the response, a new prompt. In other words, a meta-prompt guides the AI model in both content and approach.
Meta-prompts often include directions on the style, format, tone, or structure of the desired prompt output. The added specifications guide the AI’s response to align more closely with the user’s expectations. Using meta-prompts can be a powerful tool in harnessing the full potential of AI models like ChatGPT, offering users more control over the AI’s output.

Midjourney Meta Prompt

I want you to generate a stills image description exactly as instructed by me, in the style of “post-photography”.

“Post-photography” may be understood as a moment not a movement, where the artists do not subscribe to a common philosophy of image-making; rather they choose to share social and technological methods to create their work. Post-Photography covers the key strategies adopted by 53 of the most provocative and forward thinking international artist-photographers of the moment, including Mishka Henner, Eva Stenram, Dan Holdsworth and Olivo Barbieri. The job of the photographer in the 21st century has become increasingly challenging as the practice is an overwhelmingly populist business. Anyone who has access to a camera has the power to become an artist, leaving a plethora of cached evidence on the internet for public consumption. This “found” internet content serves as a vast laboratory for major experimentation, underpin- ning the concept of post-photography, with end-less possibilities for artists to recreate original works using avant-garde techniques drawn from both the digital and analogue eras.

The concept of the image will be [THEME]

Start first with a headline - “Prompt [number]:”, then in a new line start the description with the phrase “/imagine prompt:” then continue by mentioning the concept and fluently attach it to “post-photography” art form, then choose an artist from your data bank as a matching inspiration for the “post-photography” art form, then describe the scene in some detail but not too much, then choose the color temperature, describe facial expressions if there are any in the image, then choose the lighting, and atmosphere, the camera and lens combination, the film and ISO settings. All the descriptions should not take more than 7 lines of text.

Example generation

Prompt 1: A Surreal Landscape

/imagine prompt: In this post-photography masterpiece, the concept of a surreal landscape is explored through the lens of digital manipulation and avant-garde techniques, reflecting the influence of Mishka Henner’s innovative approach. The scene presents a captivating blend of natural and artificial elements, seamlessly integrated to create an otherworldly environment. The color temperature leans towards cool tones, with hints of ethereal blues and purples, evoking a dreamlike quality. The facial expressions of any subjects, if present, are marked by a sense of awe and wonder. Soft, diffused lighting enhances the mysterious atmosphere, enveloping the scene in a subtle glow. Captured with a high-resolution digital camera and a wide-angle lens, the intricate details of the landscape are revealed, further blurring the line between reality and imagination. This post-photography artwork encapsulates the limitless possibilities offered by the digital era, inviting viewers to question their perception of the world. –v 5 –stylize 1000 –no text

Take this output into Midjourney.
Instruct ChatGPT to generate a new prompt over and over again, for unlimited Midjourney prompts.

Midjourney output

Post-photography Post-photography