Photography run sheet

Posted on January 9, 2023   • 829 words • 90% AI Content

Run sheet

A photography run sheet, also known as a photography shot list or schedule, is a document that outlines the planned sequence of shots or scenes for a photography session or event. It serves as a guide for the photographer and the crew, ensuring all essential photos are captured and helping maintain efficiency during the shoot.

The run sheet typically includes the following details:

The photography run sheet helps to streamline the shooting process, minimize oversights, and ensure the event or session runs smoothly and productively. It’s a vital tool in professional photography, especially for events, weddings, fashion shoots, and commercial photography.

Simple Prompt

Imagine you’re a seasoned photographer. Create a photography run sheet template.

Result (GPT 3.5)

Sure! Here’s a template for a photography run sheet:

Photography Run Sheet Template

Event Name: [Enter event name]
Date: [Enter date]
Location: [Enter location]
Photographer: [Enter photographer’s name]
Assistant Photographer: [Enter assistant photographer’s name]
Contact Person: [Enter contact person’s name and phone number]
Start Time: [Enter start time]
End Time: [Enter end time]

[Note: Include the following sections for each scheduled activity during the event.]

Activity 1: [Enter activity name]
Location: [Enter specific location]
Time: [Enter scheduled start and end time]

Photography Requirements:

Activity 2: [Enter activity name]
Location: [Enter specific location]
Time: [Enter scheduled start and end time]

Photography Requirements:

Activity 3: [Enter activity name]
Location: [Enter specific location]
Time: [Enter scheduled start and end time]

Photography Requirements:

Additional Notes or Reminders:

Emergency Contacts:

Please note that this is a general template, and you can customize it based on your specific needs for the event. It will help you stay organized and ensure that you capture all the important moments during the event.

EDIT: Result (GPT4)

Sure, here’s a simple photography run sheet template that you can adapt based on the type of event or shoot you’re managing. It’s created for a wedding photography session, but you can modify it as per your needs:

Photography Run Sheet Template

Event: [Wedding - Jane & John Doe]

Date: [23rd May 2023]

Venue: [Venue Details]

Contact Details:

Equipment Checklist:

  1. Primary Camera
  2. Secondary Camera
  3. Wide Angle Lens
  4. Telephoto Lens
  5. Prime Lens
  6. Tripod
  7. Memory Cards
  8. Batteries
  9. Lighting Equipment
  10. Reflectors/Diffusers
  11. Laptop & Hard Drives
  12. Other accessories (filters, lens cleaner, etc.)

Photography Schedule:

Time Activity
10:00 AM Arrival & Setup
10:30 AM Detail Shots (Rings, Dress, Shoes, Venue)
11:00 AM Bride/Groom Prep Shots
12:30 PM Bridal Party Photos
1:00 PM Family Photos
2:00 PM Ceremony
3:00 PM Post-Ceremony Couple Photos
3:30 PM Reception Details Before Guests Enter
4:00 PM Reception Starts - Candid and Group Photos
5:30 PM Cake Cutting
6:00 PM First Dance
6:30 PM Party and Dance Floor Shots
8:00 PM Sunset Photos with Couple
9:00 PM Departure

Special Requests:

[List any special requests from the client. Examples include specific shots, people, moments they want captured, or any traditions or surprises that will occur during the event.]


[Include any additional notes that may be helpful for the shoot.]

Backup Plan:

[In case of unforeseen circumstances such as bad weather, equipment failure, etc., outline your backup plan here.]

Remember, the most important part of a run sheet is to make sure it meets the client’s needs and the specific details of the event. Adapt and change this template as needed.

GPT does Markdown very well.
It’s a great way to create content for your website or blog. You can use it to create a photography run sheet template, a wedding photography checklist, or any other type of content you need.